“At Winston Hills Preschool we foster creative, responsive and respectful relationships and learning opportunities where children can discover, flourish and become”.


Be Yourself

We believe that no two children are the same, and we cherish each child and family’s diverse culture, values, and experiences. We aim to provide safe, equitable and accepting learning environments that reflect and enrich the lives and identities of children and families. Our focus is to nurture children as they build their self-esteem, and to support and reinforce an emerging sense of self-identity, belonging and resilience. We truly believe in each child’s unique capacity to be amazing.


Relationships and Connections

We focus on fostering relational spaces where trusting, warm and reciprocal connections with others can be built, as we believe that through these interactions and attachments, a child’s innate strengths, skills and potential can be maximised.

Through the creation of opportunities for cooperative and positive interactions with other children, families, teachers, and the wider community, children acquire vital social knowledge and skills.

Each child is supported and encouraged to develop responsibility for their actions and interactions with others, as they develop an understanding and respect for the interrelationships between themselves, others and the natural environment.

The special ‘character’ of our Preschool is primarily built around the genuinely collaborative and committed relationships between families, children and staff.

Parents are treasured and invaluable contributors to the Winston Hills Community, and are actively involved as ‘Session Helpers’ in each and every learning session. We are proud that our Preschool is completely independent, and we rely on children’s families for our management committee, working bees and fundraising.


Openness and Spontaneity

We strive to foster an atmosphere of openness, where ‘what is possible’ has not been predefined. Mutual discovery and learning is fostered so that each child’s unique way of experiencing, being and interacting with the world can be recognised and supported.

Naturally occurring and intuitive opportunities within our indoor and outdoor learning environments encourage and inspire children to imaginatively explore experiment, invent, question, and solve problems. We focus on sensitively recognising, celebrating and extending on what unfolds for each child within the open-ended play experiences.


Building on Strengths

Active learning through play is facilitated through the provision of a range of opportunities, environments and experiences built thoughtfully around the individual strengths and interests of each child.

Strengths that emerge through creative play such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, persistence and reflexivity are carefully acknowledged and celebrated so that they can become part of a child’s lifelong attitudes towards learning and being.


Continuous Improvements

Through regular staff, parent, and committee meetings and informal discussions we constantly reflect on, and ask of ourselves “How we can do better?”.

Educators at Winston Hill Preschool are encouraged to engage in reflexive practice, and to critically reflect on our philosophy, values and ethics to guide decision making. We recognise and value the knowledge and commitment of the educators and fully support their continued professional learning.

Our Preschool’s philosophy reflects the foundations of the National Quality Framework. We believe that a philosophy statement changes as new insights are gained, and practice is evaluated.