Connecting Children With The Wonder of Nature - Bush Kinder

This year Winston Hills Preschool will be trialling Bush Kinder for Yellow Group at Gresswell Forest with the hope to continue this learning opportunity for our children in 2021.

Our vision is to connect children with the wonder of nature 

We are passionate about the outdoors. But it is not just us. There is an overwhelming amount of research to support the importance of children playing outside and being engaged with nature.  

Parks Victoria is committed to children learning in nature and developing bush kinder programs and cites’ “contact with nature is critical for our physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing. It has positive effects on our ability to concentrate, to learn, to solve problems, to relax and to be creative.” 

The Department of Education and Training also encourage the use of natural areas for learning which can be clearly identified in The Victorian Early Years Framework and the National Quality Standards. 

“The development of Bush Kinder reflects the mounting body of evidence that outdoor activities such as exploring natural environments, are beneficial to children and contribute to improving children’s health and wellbeing.”   

Learning benefits 

  • Children will develop a closer connection with nature which is imperative to ensuring our planet is respected and looked after. 

  • Children will be more physically active, which research is showing is decreasing in childhood and, contributing to a range of developmental and health problems. 

  • Children will gain a greater understanding and control of their large motor skills such as climbing and manoeuvring over and around obstacles. These large motor skills are required before children can successfully learn to develop and control their fine motor skills. 

  • Children will learn to be more creative, imaginative, and resourceful. Nature play provides endless opportunities to solve problems by utilising the natural resources that surrounds them. 

  • Children are happier in nature settings and display less anxiety and behavioural problems. 

  • Children will have more opportunities to be engage in risk-benefit experiences where the long-term benefit out-weighs the risk. 

Gresswell Forest Tracks

Gresswell Forest Tracks

Natasha Andovska